When can I expect my order?

The average delivery time is 10-15 working days. Our products are shipped directly from the supplier to you. This unique business model enables us to make huge savings on storage and transportation costs and allows us to offer the products at a lower price than our competitors.

Is there a delay in delivery due to COVID-19 (Corona virus)?

Unfortunately, we are also experiencing delays in production and deliveries. Our sales staff will do their best to process and ship your order as quickly as possible. Please note that the average delivery time is longer than normal (10-15 days). Thank you for your understanding!

The expected delivery time has passed, where is my order?

In 99% of cases, orders are delivered within the expected delivery time. Unfortunately, there can sometimes be delays in the delivery of an order. You can check the status of your order via the following link:

Have you not received anything 3 days after the expected delivery date?

If so, please contact us.

What are the shipping costs?

Shipping method Costs Delivery time Free delivery 10-15 working days

I am not satisfied with my order. What should I do?

Not satisfied with your order? We are very sorry and we would like to hear what we can do to make you happy. Send an email to info@dm-mode.de and we will see how we can solve the problem as soon as possible!

Where can I find my track & trace code?

As soon as your order has been processed and shipped, we will send you your track & trace code by e-mail. It takes 24 hours to process your order.

Rijker Products

KVK : 89004779

Nering bogelweg 33, 7418HJ, The Netherlands (No showroom and no return address)